Monday, January 23, 2006

With the family in Chiayi

Good morning! Mom, Tom and I have moved down south to Chiayi where one of my uncles has a chicken farm. The house is nice, it has 7 rooms but it will still be short on room as my whole family will be coming down for the New Year. They expect something like 30-35 people… we will have to make due with the space we have. Last night my uncle Shau drove us the 3 hours south to the house. When we arrived we all had a nice dinner with my grandfather. Everything was terrific. After that we sat around and talked all night. My aunt Sue and her son and daughter, my cousins showed up later in the evening so it was a fun night chatting. I had to hit the sack “early” which was around 12:30pm cause I had to run this morning. I went about 5 miles through the farmland and it was a great run, didn’t even feel like I went that far with all the scenery to look at. I wanted to take some pictures of the chicken farm and the sea of chickens they keep here usually but my uncle sold them all to a distributor right before we arrived so he wouldn't have the work to take care of during the New Year's celebration. He will start up with a new batch of chickens after the holiday. My mom and her sister went to the market to pick up some fresh vegetables and I’m waiting for them to come back to take a walk. I keep bugging them to take me to a night market, which is an open air markets at night used as a central place to socialize and eat. I remember them from the last time I was here as a lot of fun! I’ve seen all of the comments posted and I will get back to you guys soon over email. I have included pics of Shau’s place in Taipei and all the family who are here right now in front of the house. Hope everyone enjoys them. If there is anything you guys want to see just let me know… Tony


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