Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Fun Afternoon with my Cousins

So I’m here in the house with only my cousins so I thought I’d write another post today. Mom and the rest of the group, mainly the older folks, went to a bath and sauna house some 30 minutes away. I didn’t really feel like going so I stayed here with my cousins. My uncle said I could take the car out and go sightseeing. My cousins could act as the tour guides. I said that it might be easier if they drove but come to find out that none of them drive. Especially a manual transmission that’s 16 years old! Fun stuff driving in other countries! I’ve done it before in Europe but it is interesting each and every time you do it. I like to call it combat driving, you need to develop a skill for it. Anyway we went to Chiayi University just down the road and went for a walk outside, which was nice. There was a modern track and field facility, a beautiful pond with all sorts of animals, and just a sense of being on a campus which I guess is the same wherever you are. After that we went to a small bakery and picked up some bread and pastries for the house, and bought a round of these really sweet drinks I think were made of soy milk and some kind of gelatin? They were good but very different. Finally we went to a temple and I got to see some religious art and statues. We came back to the house only to find out that we were locked out. Luckily one of my cousins lives here and knew how to get in. So that’s it in a nutshell. I’m kind of beat, and I’ll be watching TV and waiting for everyone else to get back. It has been fun getting to know my cousins as they get bolder with the English and ask lots of questions… and I do too. The pics are of the University, and the temple… Tony


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