Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Chiayi marketplace for lunch

So this morning we were at a loss for what to do. My uncle Shau and my aunt Sue are going back to Taipei later this afternoon so we needed to come up with something to do that was quick and easy. We decided to take a trip in Chiayi city and do a little shopping/walking. Tom made the first input by suggesting we find a place to get some coffee. The main morning drink is tea over here so coffee is not too common. Shau found a coffee shop right near the open air market in Chiayi called 85 degrees, kind of like a Starbuck but less fancy and with better coffee, or so my mom and Tom say. Anyway, after that we took a walk through the market for fun. Lots of cool stuff on sale from clothes and jewelry to fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, seafood, and ready prepared foods. One of the pics posted is of my mom pointing at a pigs head hanging in the market! We walked around for an hour or so and decided to get some lunch. I’ve included a pic of that. I had some noodles with pork, good stuff! After that we got a call that my grandfather was taken to the hospital as a precaution, he has been having some trouble getting around on his own lately. The hospital is not too far from were we were having lunch so we went over to see him and we brought lunch too. After that we went by my mom’s old elementary school and her house as a kid. Finally we decided to come back to the house. I’ve got pics of all of the wonderful stuff in the market and around Chiayi. I’ll try to get them into a directory so everyone can see them all. I think mom, Tom and I have decided to take a train to Alishan Forest for some sightseeing tomorrow and spend the night, coming back to the house the next day. I’ll keep you all posted… Tony


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