Saturday, February 04, 2006

Out on the town....finally!

I've been delinquent on my blog so I'll try to catch up. Two days ago I took it easy after going to Taipei 101. My cousin and I stayed in and watched a couple of movies and then went out to eat, nothing to exciting. My mom and her sister went to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial in Taipei. I believe he is one of the fathers of the revolutionary movement in Taiwan. Anyway, I've included a pic of the memorial with 101 in the background, its hard to take a pic around here without it in the background. There was another reason we stayed in instead of going to the memorial. My cousin had never been out to a bar before so we decided to go. She called one of her friends from school and we all went out to this lounge/wine bar called Champagne 2. It was real nice, they had about 150 different champagne's and sparkling wines. We started out with mixed drinks and ended the night with some wine. It was nice having a few drinks with friends after the constant family get togethers. After the bar my uncle just happened to be in the area (I blame my aunt for this coincidence) and we all went to get some late night eats. Pretty nice night. Yesterday we moved to my uncles place as he was out of town and my aunt had to go back to work. After that we went to this spa which was really a pool and sauna type place. Then we went to dinner with my other uncle who brought us to this really nice restaurant, kind of like a do it yourself cooking place but much better. We ate way too much and talked into the night, and now I'm typing this blog to you. Not too much longer here so I'll keep the posts coming till the end. Tony


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