Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Taipei tomorrow

Well it has been a slow last few days, and not much really going on. To be honest it has been real nice. All I've had on my mind is when I would get a run in and when I would get a nap in! Yesterday my cousin wanted to play some basketball, he is the captain of his college team. So I went along. We didn't have a car or other ride so we had to walk to the nearest university to play. It was a good time and I definitely had to shake the rust off. Overall though I won a few and he won a few. Then some of my other cousins showed up and we had a two on two. It was a lot of fun. So I know I said that we were heading back up to Taipei today but that plan got axed as the last minute. Now we are definitely leaving tomorrow morning for Taipei. On our way up north we will be stopping in some town where everything is carved out of wood. At least that is what my mom has told me. We'll see. The New Year's holiday is coming to an end and everyone is heading back to work, and I will be posting my next post from Taipei!!! Tony


Blogger Andrea Rendi said...

I'm just reading a book about China, written by a well-known Italian newspaper foreign correspondent, which includes some pages about Taiwan...

4:12 AM  

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