Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Wood carving craziness!

So we travelled up to Taipei yesterday. The drive itself was good, I had to drive my uncle's car because he was out of town at his in-laws place. Only a little traffic and all of the toll points were free so it made the trip a little faster. We stopped at this wood carving town, not a town carved out of wood. It was really cool, lots of nice stuff and amazing sculptures. The wood is finished in this really polished and solid way that makes it look and feel like stone. I had to buy a few pieces of wood for my house. After that we made it to my aunt's place and proceeded to dinner after hanging out for a while. It was nice. My aunt doesn't have cable so we had to make a stop at the video store on the way home. We watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It started out ok, but quickly went south fast. If it weren't for Angelina Jolie I would have shut off the movie two thirds of the way through. Anyway, I went for a run this morning and this afternoon I think we are planning on going to Taipei 101 so I should have some nice pics tomorrow. We'll see. Only 5 more days here including today so I better get going!! The pics above are of most of my cousins and one of the wood carvings from yesterday.... Tony


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