Sunday, February 05, 2006

NY NY, Danshui seaport, and a Taipei night market

Today started out late. I was up late the night before and I didn't wake until around 10:30am. We proceeded to get cleaned up and went over to my uncle Shau's house where my aunt had prepared a big lunch. My other uncle, Ogin, and his family had returned to town and joined us for lunch. Lunch was great as usual and after that all the younger crowd decided to take a trip away from the older folks. We hopped on a bus downtown and strolled around a big shopping mall called New York, New York. Not too bad, but it wasn't as big as I had expected. There was a replica of the Statue of Liberty right out front, I've got a pic of it in the photo album. After that we jumped on a train to Danshui, which is a touristy seaport town. We arrived shortly before sunset so the view was nice. Lots of shops and stuff to eat, plus the boardwalk was very nice with all the lights at night. We walked around for a few hours then caught the train back to Taipei to get something to eat at one of the night markets there. If I thought the night markets in Chiayi were big, I didn't understand the word until I went to the market last night. Like a rock concert there were people everywhere, jam packed into the tiny streets and shops. It was craziness and fun all at the same time. We found a few places were we picked up some small items to eat and browsed around the vendor stands. By now it was getting late and we caught the train followed by the bus back home for the night. Only one more full day to go here! Tony